Tuesday 10 May 2016

The running hugging Father

I think the picture of the father's welcome of his wayward, disrespectful, outrageously awful son is one of the most beautiful pictures of the Christian life, as told by Jesus in Luke 15:11ff. The son's repentance is very self centred with a rather grudging view of his father's largess in contrast the loving generosity of his Father's welcome is totally unreserved. He is actually at home looking out for his son's return he hitches up his tunic and runs to embraces his son who still smells strongly of pig manure and clothed in tatters having wasted all the father gave him. He richly pours his mercy and love onto him in the warmth of his open arms.
This picture of God as this loving forgiving father is difficult to comprehend. It is a picture of total overflowing, free and generous grace; because our own forgiveness is often begrudging and conditional we find it difficult to understand that somebody as lofty and holy as almighty God can have this intimate and unconditional love for us.
How is this generosity of love possible? It is because His first eternal Son opened His arms wide for us on the cross bearing all the guilt shame and nakedness and rejection which is our desert. We who were far off have been brought near by this once and for all act of love which opens the way for our journey home to our loving heavenly Father.

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