Wednesday 18 May 2016

A prayer for renewal at Pentecost

 Trinity Church has been participating in the week of prayer for renewal leading up to Pentecost, 
Diane one of our leaders created a wonderful prayer space where we could use many different creative ways of praying. Also our little Antioch group has also been learning from each other about prayer. Here is an example:

Almighty creator, Lord of the hosts of heaven, we thank you that we can call you Father.

We thank you that we can approach you through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross for us, bringing us poor estranged sinners who were far from you close and able to bring our prayers and supplications to the throne of grace.

We know that of ourselves we can do nothing for you, we are incapable of advancing the kingdom, incapable of pleasing you, incapable of loving you or our neighbour, but we do have a deep desire to advance the kingdom, we want to please you, to show the wonders of your love to a sin sick world.
So dear loving heavenly Father we ask you to  pour the power of the Holy Spirit into our lives we plead with you for a fresh anointing, help us to grow the fruits of the Spirit in our lives and be so empowered by the gifts of your love and might that we would play our role as part of the army of your people to bring the love and joy of your kingdom into the dark and forgotten corners of this land. 
Help us to worship you not just with our lips but with every part of our beings. Help us to dedicate
the whole of our lives to you. We pray that you would invade those dark places in our inner beings where there are still fortresses of self will. We ask that you would help us to be totally devoted to you, anxious to listen to what you tell us through your word and bring it to life in our thoughts and actions.
So Lord Jesus we bring our requests to you, confident that you are able and willing to conform us to the image of your Son and we will  at last be able to stand before you clothed in the righteousness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Grant these our prayers through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Amen      `  

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