Monday 2 May 2016

Effectual prayer: Thy will be done

Thy will be done This is the prayer  that is always answered; our problem is knowing and wanting God's will as we pray; prayer is not a shopping list of things we want, but the result of discernment and waiting. In listening to the Father's will communicated to us by the Spirit.
We can see that Jesus' prayers were always effectual because he could see what the Father was doing and he only did the Father's will  John 5:19 . Sometimes we will struggle to pray that prayer as it could be very painful for us, as Jesus in Gethsemane  Luke22:42 .
So prayer must always be a two way conversation with our loving heavenly Father, in fact we need all three persons of the Godhead to pray.
We need the completed work of the Son who has opened a way into the throne room of Grace for us. We can only come hand in hand with our friend and advocate into the Fathers presence into that place which transcends the universe where our simple prayers said in faith become molded and amalgamated into the eternal decrees of God.  Hebrews 9:11  ( see Henry Law, "The Throne of Grace" )
We can only pray as we pray in the Spirit Ephesians 6:18  As the Spirit flows in, so faith filled and effectual prayer flows out.
We also need the groaning of the Spirit in our prayers Romans 8:26  because the Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God . The Spirit turns our imperfect prayers into "thy will be done", God centered prayers.

We need a simple trust in the Father and in the promises of Jesus; such as, "whatever we ask in prayer believe that we will receive it and it will be ours" Mark 11:24 Charles Spurgeon wrote a very powerful sermon on the text which is worth reading True prayer-true power .

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