Thursday 11 July 2019


I am the resurrection and the life. John 11:25

I did not hear the rumbling stone,
As it was slowly rolled away
I was not disgusted by the smell of rotting flesh disolving back to clay.

I did not see the tears stream down
His grief contorted face
Nor feel the deep distress of Martha.
Angry Mary's broken faith, passed me by, untouched.

But then the death awakening cry
Rattled round the cold tombs wall
The hand that moulded Adam out of clay
Gently awakened me back to life again

Still bound  like swaddled babe
I strugled forth  to dazzling day
Into the strong but tender arms
Of the man who is my resurrection

Post script

But jade green jealousy aroused
Demands again my life and His
So He must die to rise again triumphant
to greet me, once again, with open arms
Into the Father's everlasting bliss.

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