Monday 10 December 2018

Where will you find Jesus this Christmas

He did come, to that simple peasant house in Palestine, sharing sleeping quarters with the precious animals.  He was there just down our street, very close, a blazing fire of uncreated light pent up in the womb of a humble poor girl, but where is he now?
He was there with the refugee desperately fleeing bloody persecution, seeking a safe haven in the storm, but where is he now? 
He was there, feeding hungry families, healing the blind beggar, weeping over Lazarus's tomb before calling the dead back to life, but where is he now?
He was there, nailed to a cruel cross, giving new life to all who find Him.
Do not look in the cold tomb, He is certainly not there!

Listen, He is knocking on the door of your heart. He is calling each one of us, wanting to come in to be a living presence, to have a loving relationship with each one of us.
Look with the eyes of faith, He is there wanting to come in and live in you.
He is there, just humbly invite Him in, find Christ this Christmas.

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