Wednesday 20 December 2017

Happy Christmas.: The word became flesh and pitched His tent down our street

The word became flesh and pitched His tent down our street 

Time zero, matter zero, energy zero, a darkness of nothing.
Yet there was everything, an eternal caring community of mutual worship and love.
A pent-up furnace of beauty and joyful creativity, waiting to pour themselves into the dark chaotic meaningless nothingness.
The loving shout of command went out. Light poured into darkness. Rainbow colours of joy creating and illuminating our dark world.

The dark nothingness hated the light, but the light was joyfully triumphant.
So, this light created every one of us but we did not have the loving enlightening knowledge of this light in our hearts, many people had had glimpses; many prophets right up to the time of John the Baptist, but we were still living in the oppressive darkness, unaware of the light.
So that furnace of creative love was hidden as a tiny embryo in Mary’s womb.  We carried on oblivious to the miracle of uncreated light, living and breathing amongst us. We were unaware of the person of the creator, living in the world that he had created.
He was living in our street, just down our road and we were too busy and preoccupied to notice He was there.
Quieten your heart this Christmas you may hear him knocking on your door wanting to come into your life, demanding your heart, reclaiming the life he created to fill it with peace love and light.
Listen carefully He is here, even now, gently knocking.

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