Monday 22 April 2019

Resurrection joy.

Beethoven's " Ode to Joy" tune from his ninth Symphony must be one of the most joyful tunes in history, so I thought I would add my own lyrics.

Sing loud songs of exaltation, Christ is risen from the grave.
Gladly bring your adoration, Jesus Christ has power to save.
Satan’s power has been defeated,
Death and hell have lost their sting
Christ’s redeemed rise up together
Joyful alleluias bring.

Now there is no condemnation, Christ has taken all my sin
Gladly on the cross he bore it, fallen humankind to win
Now we have the living Spirit
Giving life to mortal flesh
Filling us with full assurance,
Clothed with Jesu’s righteousness

We are filled with Christ’s own Spirit, clothing us with risen power.
We shall walk the road with Jesus, day by day and hour by hour
We proclaim the gospel message:
"We are saved by Jesus’ love"
Bringing many souls to Jesus,
Linking earth with heaven above.
Tune: Ode to Joy, Beethoven