In our advent home groups this week we have been looking at John the Baptist and his call for repentance. The study chimed a note with me concerning a book I have just read as part of our Antioch group discussions called The Prodigal God by Tim Keller. In it he explores the parable of The father and the two sons in Luke 15 . In the parable we usually focus on the rebellious younger son, who takes his share of the family fortune and goes off to spend it on the good life. However, he eventually runs out of money and is forced into the most disgusting of jobs for a Jew feeding pigs. Eventually he comes to his senses and goes back to the loving forgiving father, who welcomes him with open arms. This is a most wonderful picture of the free grace given by a loving God to a repentant sinner.
The story posed a massive question for me; where was my first love? Was it actually for my loving heavenly Father or had the practice of religion become a substitute for the overwhelming love of our heavenly Father who sent his Son Jesus to rescue us by his death on the cross and Resurrection to life in which we can all share? The older son in the story did not share His Father's heart of love, to seek out the one who was lost.
Our stated aim as a community at Trinity is: to see lives transformed by the love of Christ.